Mix #109
MUUI is a Berlin based electronic musician that’s relatively fresh to the scene but has put his stake in the ground with a soulful and deep sound that’s attracted significant support from his more established colleges. Of particular note are his epic live sets that combine vintage and modern hardware into a tricky tightrope of sonic lushness. MUUI recently launched his own label (Here Now) and continues to produce head-turning tunes full force. This particular set was recorded live exclusively for FWD.DJ and powered by the following: Ableton, TR8, SH101, JX-3P, MFB522, Euro Rack (Modules from Doepfer, Mutable Instruments, The Harvestman, Pittsburgh Modular).
Track List:
1. MUUI - ID
2. MUUI - ID
3. MUUI - ID
4. MUUI - Through The Cracks [Here Now]
5. MUUI - ID
6. MUUI - ID
7. MUUI - Placid
8. MUUI - Hide Seek [Microcastle]
9. MUUI - ID
10. MUUI - Gisch [Here Now]
11. MUUI - ID
12. MUUI - ID